Monday 22 April 2013

Final Script

 (Cut to close up of Greg’s head and shoulders)

Katie: Good afternoon im Jennifer Adams

(Close-up of Katie’s head and shoulders)

Greg: And im Geoff Johnson and this is eye witness news at 5

(Cut to wide shot of two news anchors)

Greg: Breaking news, another body has been found, discarded in an isolated field near County Roven estate in the West Midlands.

Katie: Police discovered the body around 3 hours ago and have now took it to hospital for further investigation.

Greg: This is the 3rd body that has been found in the area over the past few days and police believe it will not be the last

Greg: We will now go live to Tim Rodgers who is reporting from the scene of the crime….Tim can you hear me

(Cut to Field scene)

Kyle: I can hear you Geoff

(Cut back to Greg and Katie in studio)

Greg: Okay, have the police found any more ideas on who this killer is

(Cut back to head and shoulders close up of Kyle, as he continuous to speak camera zooms out to establishing shot and horizontally tracks his walk)

Kyle: The body has been taken back to a forensics lab for further investigation, the forensics team will be looking for clues, but so far the killer is unknown and may.. strike again

Libby screams. Kyle jumps and looks to right dropping microphone. Camera starts shaking and cuts off.

Cuts back to studio

Katie: Were sorry for the inconvenience but we seem to have lost communication with Tim

Greg holds ear piece looking confused, mouthing to people behind camera

Cuts back to field

Kyle: C’mon c’mon! (Camera Man runs handheld shot, shaky, heavy breathing)

Cuts back to studio where Katie and Greg are sitting quietly and bored, unknowing of what’s happening.

Cut back to field where Kyle is running to source of scream

Cameraman: in there, in there! Points to ditch inside fence,

Cuts back to studio where presenters are sitting bored

Cuts back to field. Kyle drops to knees as cameraman runs through gate

Cameraman: What? What?!

Kyle points to ditch where Libby is lying ‘dead’ Camera looks at Libby shakily and then cuts off and white noise starts.

Cuts back to field Camera is on floor with shot of cameraman’s arm on floor

Kyle picks up camera cleans it with sleeve and suddenly looks up in horror and drops camera, Camera is then picked up by killer and starts walking towards Kyle, Camera is at high angle,

Kyle: Please No Please Please, NOOOOO! Camera Cuts to White Noise

End of Film


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