Thursday 7 February 2013

Horror Questionnaire

This is an example of the questionnaire I created. I wanted to question people on their favourite conventions in typical horrors so I could base my upcoming movie opening around the most popular results.

1.       Are you male or female?

o    Male

o    Female

2.       How old are you?

o    15-18

o    19-25

o    26-35

o    36-50

o    50+

3.       Do you enjoy watching Horrors?

o    Yes

o    No

4.       Who would you watch a Horror with?

o    Partner

o    Friends

o    Family

o    On your own

5.       Which sub-genre of horror do you prefer?

o    Psychological (e.g. Paranormal Activity)

o    Comedy (e.g. Shaun of the Dead)

o    Slasher (Continuous Killings e.g. Texas Chain Saw Massacre)

o    Gore (e.g. Saw)

6.       What is your favourite convention of a horror film?

o    Blood and Gore

o    Darkness

o    Suspense

o    Violence

o    Supernatural beings

7.       What would be your Preferred duration of a horror film?

o    1 hour-1 hour 30 minutes

o    1 hour 30 minutes- 2 hours

o    2 hours- 2 hours 30 minutes

o    2 hours 30 minutes +

 8.       Which of these typical horror locations is your favourite?

o    House

o    City

o    Isolated Places

o    Abandoned Places

o    Dark areas

o    Woodland/Forest areas

9.       Do you feel music and sound is important during a horror film?

o    Very Important

o    Quite Important

o    Not Important

10.    Which kind of villain do you find the scariest? If other please state

o    Demon

o    Ghost

o    Clown

o    Madman

o    Masked

o    Child

o    Other

11.    Who do you find is the most likely type of victim in a horror?

o    Children

o    Teenagers

o    Adults

o    Elderly

o    Men

o    Women

12.    During horror films which sound do you find most scary?

o    Footsteps

o    Creaking doors

o    Screaming

o    Whispers

o    Supernatural sounds

o    High paced music

o    Quiet

Thank you for completing this questionnaire. The results will be used to inform the choices I make for my practical A Level Media coursework. Although I will analyse and produce a summary of the results, your individual response will be kept anonymous.

1 comment:

  1. Do you have some results as well please Greg - graphs and analyses of findings to help inform your film...
