Monday 5 November 2012

Preliminary Task

Here's my Preliminary Task, a short 30 second clip - The Device.

During the making of our short scene I helped think up and create the initial storyboarding ideas, I roughly planned out what was going to happen and when during the scene and drew out where characters were going to be positioned and what verbal and physical expressions they were doing. I also added the various camera angles needed for each shot such as the wide shot for filming the subject and its surroundings which was used the most during the scene and also a two shot for scenes where me and my co actor where face on so we could see the distance between them. During the production I was one of the actors in the scene along with Josh and Emily was the director however we all pitched in ideas throughout the making of the scene. During the editing process we all roughly did the same type of thing. Josh physically did more on the mac. But like the filming we all pitched in ideas of our opinions and what we thought could be improved. Our grouped worked very well together throughout the processes of making of the film even though we were all from separate schools. We talked a lot and were not afraid to share our own opinions throughout the task. I think part of our success as a group was how we each were assigned different roles that gave us each roughly the same amount of work to do so no one was left out or had it any easier than other members of the group. Some strengths of our group were that we communicated with each other well, no one was afraid to talk and we all shared our own opinions. Another Strength was that all of us worked hard although we were having fun throughout we tried our best and didn’t mess around or give up. Weaknesses of our group would be that as we have only had a couple of lessons on the apple macs not all of us have had a good enough go on them, this isn’t too much of a problem as we still have lessons to go so we can all have equal amounts of time on the macs. Other than that our group was fine and we had no problems. The most enjoyable thing about the task for me was the actual filming part of the task.  It gave us a chance to express ourselves and also do something a bit more exciting than classroom and writing work. I also am enjoying the editing part of the course, I like adding transitions and audio onto our clip to make them run smoother and have more of a quality finish. From this I have learnt how to edit clips on the apple macs and have started to learn how to use the programmes provided with more knowledge and understanding. I have also started to learn how to add transitions, audio and other effects to my clip.